Potato i Jedinstvo

Friday, October 14, 2005

Prof. Gordy vs. massacre denier

East Ethnia's Eric Gordy has a thorough critique of the report by Diana Johnstone from "a group of writers calling themselves the Srebrenica Research Group."

It's entitled "Anatomy of Denial".
Yes Skelly this has led to an interesting little exchange since he put that up....
Anyway it's gotten kind of heated over at East Ethnia... I kind of blame myself , butthen again Gordy knows what he's doing.krzsedq is today's secret word, it's such a nasty mean Klingon word I won't translate...
oh sort of off topic but Gordy says he is closeing down his blog in November! not a wonderful thought.
Update, a timely protest movement started by your's truely from our humble gulag changed Prof Gordy's mind about totally shutting down, he now is just going to post less often which I can live with. His wish to be on less is understandable, he's writeing another book, I want his other book.
Check out my article Proving Genocide in Bosnia which can be found at genocideinbosnia.blogspot.com.

I would appreciate some feedback.
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